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7th Epsom (Methodist) Scout Group

The Group has three Beaver Colonies and three Cub Packs which meet on either Monday, Tuesday or Thursday evenings, as well as Scout and Explorer Sections which meet on Fridays from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.  Each section welcomes all young people from across the community and they meet in their modern, well equipped HQ at the rear of EMC. 

For more information click here:
   7th Epsom Scouts


There have been guiding groups at EMC since 1932.  Currently there are  2 Brownie, 2 Guide and 1 Ranger units. Please see local website for activities .  


Brownies are aged 7 to 10. They do fun things and make friends. They have the chance to work on all kinds of exciting badges, have adventures and go on pack holiday. More about Brownies can be found here. There are two Brownie groups that meet at EMC on Mondays and Tuesdays


Guides are aged 10 to 14. They decide on their own activities, have adventures and challenge themselves. They have the chance to work on all kinds of exciting badges and awards, go on outings, go camping as a unit and also to camps with other Guide groups and the Scouts. More about Guides can be found hereThere are two Guide group that meet at EMC on Thursdays and Fridays.


Rangers is for girls aged 14 to 18. They do really cool and exciting activities and adventures. More about the Rangers can be found here. There is one Ranger group that meets at EMC on Fridays.

The programme for all the sections is based around the same six themes - Know myself, express myself, be well, have adventures take action and skills for my future.  There are activities on each theme and badges that are completed in our unit meetings and interest badges completed at home. More information about the programme can be found here. 

If your daughter is interested in joining one of the units, please sign up on the Girlguiding website here and a local volunteer will be in touch about spaces.

These units would not run without volunteers and we are always looking for new volunteers.   There are many roles from occasionally helping, doing accounts to helping on a weekly basis. It is really rewarding and great fun. So, if you would like to know more about volunteering, please sign up on the Girlguiding website here and a local volunteer will be in touch.