Climate change and safeguarding the future of the planet are some of the biggest challenges that peoples and governments across the world face. It is a crisis that disproportionately affects poor people and "left behind" communities. These issues speak to our calling and duty as Christians to care for God’s world and to protect the most vulnerable.
Epsom Methodist Church is embracing this initiative. It offers us the opportunity to deepen our own discipleship and to reach out and engage with the wider community about the breadth and depth of the good news of Christ. EMC has joined the A Rocha UK award scheme and are delighted to report that we have been awarded a silver award in July21 under their
Eco Church scheme for churches in England and Wales “who want to demonstrate that the gospel is good news for God’s earth”.

This demonstrates that we:
express our care for God’s world in our worship and teaching
look after our buildings and land
engage with our local community and in global campaign
reflect eco-sensitive values in the personal lifestyles of our congregation
The Eco Church Group encourage all members of the church to get behind the eco-church initiatves that have been introduced and to put these into practice into their daily lives.
Watch this video to see what members say about Eco Church.
Each week there is a ECO tip in our newsletter - to sign up for these newsletters please
click here.
Here’s what we collect at EMC and what happens to it.
Empty pill blister packs-
Pill blister pack recycling now stopped
This is because Superdrug have stopped taking large quantities – however you can take your own small personal amounts to Superdrug at Worcester Park. If not, pill packs have to go in kerbside black bins. In the meantime, the Eco church group are seeking other avenues for pill pack recycling.
Used stamps- Raises money for the RNIB.
Used batteries – Melted and used to form new batteries, while the acid is converted into industrial chemicals or water.
Gently used bras- ‘Smalls for All’ who support vulnerable women in Africa. The bras are sent out and reused for those living in orphanages, IDP (internally displaced persons) camps and schools, as well as those in hospitals.
Used spectacles (no cases please)- Sent via Specsavers to Lions club of
Chichester and forward to Medico France who then ship spectacles directly to contacts undertaking eye clinics in Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Ghana, Nigeria and Nepal. More recently specs have been taken to a refugee camp in Lebanon. The specs have also generated over £750k from some of the recycled materials and £540k has been donated to sight related charitable causes.
Used toothbrushes and empty toothpaste tubes - Via Boots made into plastic pellets and used to make outdoor furniture and decking, flooring tiles, playground surface covers and much more.
Used pens- (all writing instruments except for wooden and chalk)- Recycled via Rymans who donate money to charity.
Empty Makeup Containers - Recycled into a product called Stormboard that is used to make plant pots and furniture.
Printer Cartridges.
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Recycling in Epsom Town Centre
Used mobile phones – Sainsbury’s Kiln Lane
Used make up – Boots, Superdrug and Sainsbury’s Kiln Lane,
Printer Ink Cartridges- Ryman’s
Brita Water filters- Robert Dyas
Contact Lenses- Boots and Leightons Opticians
Coat hangers- Sainsburys Kiln Lane
For any other suggestions for recycling, please contact Hazel Jump on hazel@hazeljump.com or on 07970 276160 to arrange collection.
For more about Eco Church click here