Services in Church
9.00 am Morning Worship
Generally a more meditative and traditional type of service with musical accompaniment from our new organ. Holy Communion is celebrated as announced. Services typically last just under one hour. To watch online go to: Click here for you tube channel
10.30 am Sunday Celebration
A service for the whole family with a contemporary styles of worship. Once a quarter we enjoy a Family Parade Service which is attended by Scouting and Guiding groups and all children and young people remain in church for these services. Holy Communion is celebrated as announced. Services last about one hour.
2pm International Service
An International Service conducted in English, mainly but not exclusively for Chinese Congregation worship. Everyone is welcome.
Please see the CCEMC website for further information
2pm Chinese Service
A service conducted in Cantonese and Mandarin, with English translation via wireless headphones. Everyone is welcome.
Please see the CCEMC website for further information