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At Epsom Methodist Church we have a very active Children and Family programme full of events, videos and groups for children up to 15 years old. Everyone is welcome and there is something for everyone.

Friday for Families @ EMC on Friday mornings specifically for young children (0-4s) and their parents or carers. This is a space for children to explore and enhance their skills as they grow, along with opportunities to meet and talk to friendly advisors on children's health and development and other areas where parents or carers are looking for advice or support.

In the past we have run a number of special events for children including Christmas pantomimes, Easter parties, Christingle services and Nativity services. We will keep the website updated with details of anything that is going on so keep an eye out for any news.


EMC has its own Nursery "Ready Teddy Go" for about thirty children aged two and three, they attend for up to 30 hours per week in term time.

 Little Monkeys toddlers play group on Tuesdays from 10 to 11.30am for toddlers 18 months to 3 years old
Little Monkeys

EMC hosts one of the most active Methodist Church links in the UK with Explorer Scouts, Scouts, Rangers, Guides, Cubs, Brownies, Beavers and Rainbow groups meeting weekly at the church.

Scouts etc

In addition, there are several commercial groups who run children's classes and meet at EMC and provide a wide range of activities for children of all ages.

We take safeguarding our children very seriously and so all staff and volunteers who are involved with children's activities have DBS clearance and have completed appropriate training. 

We can't wait to meet up again - watch this space for more information.